Posted by: reformedmusings | June 22, 2007

My Only Wilson Post Rescoped

NOTE: Before buying into the flying claims of mythical bias during my work on the committee, read this post when you’re done the current one.

RESCOPING: This blog has taken up significantly more time than I originally intended, and inadvertently become associated with issues for which I had not intended it. These facts caused me to reevaluate my purpose in starting the blog and my objectives for it. Although I still stand by the information in the original post, I have decided to refocus this blog. Here’s why:

I started this blog because I wanted a forum in which to comment on the Federal Vision issues affecting the Presbyterian Church in America, especially some of the stuff being written in the blogosphere. My desire was and is to work towards the peace, purity, unity, and edification of the church as I vowed at my ordination.

I have engaged with some folks on a few of the points in the original post, but frankly consider further addressing those topics as not the best use of my time. Consequently, given the limited time that I have to devote to this online pursuit, I have decided to rededicate myself and concentrate on the PCA only, and not issues or denominations outside of the PCA. The former version of this post was one of the excursions that I made outside of my original charter. Worse, Internet search engines were finding the post here when searching on terms that I do not want associated with this site. As I rescope my efforts, I am going back and cleaning up anything that falls outside of my original goals so as not to distract from them. In that pursuit, this post was the first and most obvious to be rescoped.

Again, although I stand by everything I said in the original post, it does not make the cut as I rescope this blog to a purely PCA focus. You only get so much time in life, and no refunds are given. So let’s move on…to reading this post, which still applies because the smoke screen still hangs in some parts of the air out there, obscuring the truth.
