Posted by: reformedmusings | December 16, 2023

System76 and Thunderbird Mail

Well, about a year ago, I purchased a System76 Oryx 10 Pro Linux laptop. Outstanding decision. It’s a killer laptop with incredible performance. It’s my daily driver, so I needed speed, lots of storage, a 4K display and the ability to run a second 4K display. The Oryx 10 delivers! Moving from a desktop box to a high-performance laptop proved incredibly providential as we’ve been pretty mobile this year.

System 76 uses their own PopOS! with their Gnome-based desktop. I put OpenSUSE KDE on the laptop, which I ran on my desktop, when I received it, but the system is clearly optimized for the Gnome-based desktop. So, I went back to the Gnome-based desktop and migrated from KMail to Thunderbird. Thunderbird 115 is finally everything I wished it to be and am now very happy with it. I keep the mail, calendar, and task tabs handy to swap between. Setting up the DAV calendars was simple and reliable.

System76 is moving to their rust-based COSMIC desktop in the next year, and I’m looking forward to it. In the meantime, I’m enjoying Thunderbird 115.5 on my Oryx 10 Pro.


  1. I wonder if it’s possible to get a computer from them that is “OS agnostic” and not especially built for their operating system. But they have a great reputation and I’m glad to hear they’re still living up to it.

    • One can put any OS or desktop on the laptop that one wishes. But, some of the low-level settings for the hardware on only GUI in their Gnome implementation. You can still access them from the CLI no matter what desktop you use.

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